Friday, February 24, 2006

I Sure Hope This Weekend Is More Exciting Than Last Weekend

Last weekend, Steph and some friends headed up to Philadelphia for a girls' weekend. For your enjoyment I put together a list of the events that transpired as my better half was gone.


  • Snuck out of work early (4:45pm) in order to catch the 5:34 bus. Got to the bus stop at 5:24 to see my bus pulling away. Next bus doesn't come until 5:55 so I began the 30-minute walk home. Approx. 10 minutes into the walk my bus passes me. Damn.
  • Had planned to work out, but too taxed by the walk home. Instead, I settle for 2 episodes of 30-Minute Meals and Good Eats. Now I'm hungry. Must get food.
  • I stop to get some movies. There is absolutely nothing at the video store. My hate for Hollywood burns like the fires of 1000 suns.
  • I stop to get some beer. After paying, the automatic door closes prematurely and crushes two life giving bottles of MGD. The foreign cash register will not accept a return. As I leave, high school kids lament my loss. I hate high school kids.
  • Mmmmm... Chicken cheesesteak and cajun fries.
  • I eat too much and fall asleep on the couch by 10pm.


  • I awake with the thought of Dunkin Donuts coffee and a chocolate glazed. Unfortunately, last night's chicken cheesesteak and cajun fries, which seemed like a good idea at the time, do not seem like such a good idea now.
  • Cleaned the bathroom.
  • Cleaned the kitchen.
  • Swept the family room.
  • Off to BestBuy! Maybe the weekend will pick up.
  • I ask one of the salesmen where their universal remote controls are located. I am less than enthused by the selection. After debating the options for 45 minutes, I decide none are what I am looking for and decide to leave. On the way out, I spot the remote I was looking for in a different location. BestBuy agrees to honor a 10% off coupon I have. Cha-ching!
  • Leave BestBuy and head to the mall to do some moseying.
  • Debate the merits of the different styles of Gold Toe dress socks for approx. 30 minutes at Hecht's. Finally decide on a 3-pack of Fluffies (charcoal) and a 6-pack of Casual Crew (assorted colors). Due to a President's Day sale the socks are 25% off. Cha-ching!
  • Mmmmm... Domino's thin crust and buffalo chicken kickers.
  • Nate Robinson wins the dunk contest by jumping over Spud Webb and missing about 43 other dunks. I was hoping Dominique Wilkins would show up and tear out Robinson's heart with his bare hands and do a 2-handed, 360-degree, windmill dunk. He did not.
  • Fell asleep on the couch at 11pm.


  • Mmmmm... Dunkin Donuts coffee and chocolate glazed.
  • FA Cup 5th round on FSC. Cha-ching!
  • Steph's home! Hooray!
  • Steph's sick and has the whooping cough and no voice! Boo!
  • Mmmmm... Egg drop soup, steamed dumplings, and sesame chicken. I think my forture cookie says I'm a loser, but my Mandarin's a little rusty...


  1. Ian, I recommend you being watching Battlestar Gallactica on Sci-Fi Friday nights at 10PM. It's an excellent diversion!

  2. So many comments I could make on this post. I'll just assume it's really cold and snowy in DC, with not much to do. I forget what winter is like now!

    I hope you got the Logitech Harmony 880 remote. If you didn't you screwed up. That thing is AWESOME!!! Programmed by your computer to control everything.

    Battlestar Galactica has now surpassed 24 as my favorite show. That is offical as of last week when Apollo was promoted to Commander of the Pegasus after the most awesome clutch performance in battle EVER! 24 still rocks, but they need a new concept. The seasons are starting to become too similar. They need a season where Jack is on the run and get away from all the CTU stuff.

  3. I opted for the Harmony 659. Steph would've stayed in Philly if I spent $250 on the 880...

  4. Wow. I wish I could buy my own socks.

  5. Some raccoon stole my lampchops.
