Sunday, February 26, 2006

Grizzly Fake

So I just finished watching the film 'Grizzly Man' on Discovery Channel and all I have to say is this - this movie is a fake. The documentary of bear-lover Timothy Treadwell, who meets his end at the hands of the very grizzly bears he was supposedly protecting, is a hoax. It has to be, and he are my reasons why...

  • Treadwell and mystery girlfriend (who, although she spent 2+ summers with Treadwell, only twice appears on tape and in both case her face is mysteriously veiled) had audio only of his last moments. A supposed professional documentarian leaves his lens cap on so there is only muffled audio of his demise - audio which we don't get to hear.
  • His remains aren't found until 'Grizzly Man' director Werner Herzog (a hilarious Arnold Schwarzeneggar wannabe) traces his route and conveniently stumbles across them.
  • The coroner who examines Treadwell's remains is probably the most questionable doctor in the history of the world. He is actually licensed, according to Alaska's medical professional licensing website, but I cannot believe that an actual doctor would behave in such a manner when discussing the death of two people for a movie.
  • The only person to have photos and audio footage of Treadwell's death is Herzog. And, in order to spare the audience the gruesome details, they are not shown in the film. Further, Herzog hands the audio tape to Treadwell's friend and tells her to destroy it.
  • Treadwell's remains are immediately cremated after his autopsy.
  • The family and friends interviewed are the most unbelievable group of characters ever committed to film. I thought his father was actually the dad from 'American Pie'. Not one shows honest emotion.
  • Treadwell supposedly had a diving scholarship to Bradley University. Bradley University has no swimming or diving team.
  • Treadwell is a liar, claiming to be in the wilderness to protect the bears. But in the movie when faced with his one opportunity to protect the bears (when photographers are throwing rocks at a female grizzly) Treadwell instead chooses to keep himself hidden and safe at a distance.

Treadwell is obviously playing a character throughout. His tirades are insincere, relying on an uncomfortable overuse of swearing. His friends try to paint him as a rebel and a tough-guy who was "hell-bent on destruction" in order to inject some character background and conflict, and they fail miserably because he's obviously gay (not that there's anything wrong with that). What Herzog tries to portray as paranoia (when Treadwell responds to smiley faces and a message saying "Hi Timothy" carved in a tree trunk) is just Treadwell trying to create drama out of what is quite obviously just a playful message either left by other hikers or maybe even done by Treadwell himself (seeing as Treadwell was, supposedly, illegally trespassing in a wildlife sanctuary).

This is surely a pathetic attempt by Treadwell and his wannabe actor friends to hit the big-time because this is the most unconvincing 'documentary' of all time. If you showed me both 'Best In Show' and 'Grizzly Man' and told me to pick the fake, I would say 'Grizzly Man' without hesitation. Anyone who calls this movie 'gripping' or 'moving' or 'touching' is a absolute moron - a giant, gullible, retarded moron. This movie was so poorly done it is comical. The level of skill involved is amateurish - I could make a better movie in my spare time. It actually makes me quite angry (well not angry per se, more like disappointed in the gullibility and stupidity of people in general) that this movie is receiving such critical acclaim and actually won an award at Sundance. Discovery Channel and a lot of other people are going to feel pretty stupid when, I'd say probably about 6 months from now, Treadwell and Herzog come clean and says the whole thing was a giant publicity stunt - like Blair Witch, except somehow a better kept secret. And you can all think of this as my big "I told you so".


  1. I watched parts of this on the Discovery Channel, but did not realize some of the details such as Herzog finding Treadwell's remains himself. Also, I agree, that coroner was one creepy guy.

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Wowser...well I haven't seen this yet, but now I definitely want to to see if I agree with what you're saying. I work with a couple hippy, drippy people who leved this movie and say it is cruel to laugh at the guys' demise since he was such a naturalist, environmentalist. I want to be able to laugh at them

    ....and then punch them in the throat.

  3. I guess you can tell we're all brothers because we all watch the same crap. Anyway, I saw this movie when Discovery premiered it last month.

    I have to disagree with Ian. While it isn't some gripping tale worthy of awards, I am pretty sure it's true. A couple points against Ian's argument.

    Herzog didn't find Treadwell's remains. They had about an hour of the film devoted to the guys who did - right after the attack. First the pilot who was supposed to pick him up. Then the park service who recovered the remains (mostly from inside the bear they killed).

    They clearly explained why the audio only captured the death. Treadwell didn't get a chance to get the lens cap off. He was attacked in his tent, most likely and didn't have time other than to turn the camera on. And about playing it or showing pics... It was probably the most awful, gruesome pics and audio and the director clearly said he didn't want to make a snuff film.

    Other than that, I agree that the movie cannot be taken at face value. Treadwell is probably gay. His girlfriend stays off camera because he is supposed to be alone vs the bears. I can understand how having another person would destroy his personna. Also, the dumb ass really was asking for it. He went over the line in his interactions. I feel bad for the guy, but it isn't a hoax.

  4. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Ian I fucking loved and totally agree with your response.

  5. Chris6:22 PM

    Lol, I just watched it on YouTube & laughed all the way through at the worst actors I've ever seen!! It was probably all filmed in one single day. Low budget. Its entirely staged. That coroner isn't a comedian?? The guy had no "coroner" type language, or actions---he was acting way too over the top with his wild crazy eyes!! The fox is tame (borrowed from a petting zoo ?). The surfer dude Timothy (if THAT's his real name) has dropped out of society, & isn't paying taxes & is living on the royalties from his "Spinal Tap spoof". He even said in that fake letter to "Heidi" (with the hippy braids), that his work will be a lot more noticed if he is dead, (& what brings more attention than being killed on audio by a bear). I think Letterman GAVE the guy an audience platform AND accidentally gave him the great idea of how to bring himself tons of cash with a documentary about getting eaten alive!! What was that about "never seeing his forehead even when he was surfing"----WHATTTT???? Why would anyone say that if they were being serious ?? Soooo, that's his way of telling us that he has in diguise the entire time. He wasn't giving his real name either.
    Of course he had the lense cap on whilst he screamed bloody blue murder.....if YOU were filming something YOU'd start the movie & THEN remove the lens cap (NOT), you get my sarcasm I hope. I'm sooo glad to see that there are others here who see this for what it is-
    ---a harmless hoax. I think he meant it to be like a comedy documentary, but it turned out to be the perfect escape from paying taxes, so he went with it. The guy is an accidental genius!!

    If I were expected to think any of this story was true, & that T' Tree-dwell (Tim Treadwell) was not in hiding but was infact killed, THIS article would be more convincing that the doc-comedy-movie that was thrown together by his parents (Val & Carol Dexter----shame on them) to profit from their son's death.

  7. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Werner Herzog is one of those directors who likes to fuck with his audience because he thinks he's smarter than everybody else so I really wouldn't be surprised if the film was just an elaborate hoax.

  8. Just watched this last night, and have been searching the internets (both of them) for evidence. Your statement about the Bradley scholarship gave me some hope. Thatre was dashed when I found that, while Bradley doesn't have swimming or diving, they did from 1946 until 2001. It was partly the cost of the scholarship system that caused them to drop it. It seems there was a Timothy Treadwell, and and his female companion were killed by a bear, and he did live among them. Beyond that, I know nothing.

    This strikes me as being the same kind of Herzog "documentary" as "Incident at Lock Ness", which is an obvious fictional work (the supposedly real cryptozoologist in that movie dies, but later shows up in the Zak Penn film "The Grand"). The film may or may not be of Treadwell, but I am fairly sure that all of the other people are actors. An interview with Herzog also had him claiming to have shot all of his footage in 29 days, and editing the film in 9 days.

    BTW, I saw no claim that Herzog had found the body. The bush pilot did. And in the news stories from 2003, the police found the video tape, and the audio was that disturbing. They never released it. Anyway, go see "Incident at Loch Ness." I think you can reverse engineer it from there.
