Friday, November 11, 2005

Putting the World on Notice

I'm not to going to mince words here, our new blog is the best thing since sliced bread. After initially reviewing the page, I had a number of thoughts. First, I noticed the same error that Dad posted about below. That grammatical error had been bothering me since our fantasy league adopted the name two years ago. I was about to make a correction, but our fearless leader beat me to it.However, I still feel homage must be paid to our namesake and his clan. For the non-fantasy sports initiated, The Royal Heffernans dates back to a fantasy baseball league 2 years ago which I formed along with Ian, Colin, Kevin and other friends. Of course the Heffernans dominated the standings before taking the title. The name has continued on in fantasy lore through one baseball and three football seasons. Needless to say, no league bearing the name has ever seen a non Heffernan win.

Next, I loved the content. The first few posts have been awesome, so hopefully we can keep up the good work. However, I felt the site needed a little sprucing up. I revised the formatting, updated the links, added our crest and gave us an address bar icon. It's all in the details!

Finally, what Heffernan website would be complete without a family portrait? 12 Tenenbaums, 12 Heffernans. Coincidence, I think not. It's obvious our blog is about to explode into the public consciousness. Are we ready for it? Of course, we're The Royal Heffernans!

Framed portraits available on request!

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