Friday, November 11, 2005

Intelligent Design Peaks in the Heffernans

Let's think about this intelligently: Heffernans are more intelligent than any other family. You may think that I'm making this up, or professing outrageous lies in saying that no family is better than the Heffernans, but truly, I'm not. A good measure of a family's intelligence is education. Here's the Heffernans' (apostrophe used correctly, as I'm showing plural possesion (another Heffernan skill, correct grammar)) educational background:
  • 4 BBA's
  • 3 BA's
  • 3 BS's
  • 2 MD's
  • 1 JD
  • 1 M IS
  • 1 M Eng.
  • 1 M Hea. Adm.
  • 1 M Nuc. Eng.
  • 1 MMkt
  • and we're currently working on: 1 JD, 1 MAcct. and 1 MBA

That's a total of 21 degrees for the 11 Heffernans with the ability to speak. If you don't understand what all those degrees stand for, it's just another reason why Heffernans are more intelligent than you!


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Ick! There's more family self-love in here than in a Branch Davidian compund in Waco circa 1993. You guys would be illegal in 48 of 50 states (I *heart* Utah!)...I thought this was a blog not a sleazy Motel 8 just south of Crittenden. I expect many Corky look-a-likes to begin creeping into the family reunion shots quite shortly. Other than that matter...nice blog; clever, witty, pretentious, I'll stop in from time to time to check things out...if I can find a full-body latex suit.

    On the other hand, Ted promised me nudes of Elisha Cuthbert...and midget barely-legal porn!!! What gives? And where's the link to tubgirl???


  2. I once threw a football at Rench's junk when he was over for a soccer party and on crutches. He doubled over in pain, I laughed.

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    *Eyelid twitch*

    I wish it were a football! It was a 5 pound weight. The good made the pain in my knee go away. The bad part...peeing blood for 10 weeks, and depending upon one ball for all my procreation needs.

    I've had you on the Eunuchs R' Us waiting list for 12 years now...there on #1870, you're holding #1872...

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Yeah, don't click on my name under the last comment unless you really want to see tubgirl...

    Just a warning to the kiddies...
