Monday, January 06, 2014

This Sounds Pretty Cool

ESPN with some pretty awesome coverage options for the BCS title game tonight, as outlined in detail over at My favorite of the viewing options:

ESPN Classic will have a "Sounds of the BCS" presentation, which will be absent of play-by-play. The broadcast will capture the natural sound of the Rose Bowl from 72 microphones (USA Today reported that is 30 more than a normal broadcast).

The best televised sports viewing experience I ever had was when TNT did a gimmick NBA game with a mic'd camera at court level in each corner and no announcers. It was truly like being at the game. There was so much more awareness of the size and speed of the athletes that even though I don't really like NBA I couldn't turn it off.

I hope all other sports broadcasters are paying attention. Almost everyone now has multiple channel outlets like ESPN - Fox has a million, so does NBC. I will watch this game with no announcers tonight. I will watch the hell out of it. And any time a broadcaster gives me such an option I will always choose this for viewing - the only exception being a soccer game called by Sir Ian Darke.

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