Friday, January 17, 2014

Kevin's LASIK - UPDATE (1 week)

One week into my life after LASIK, and I had my first eye doctor appointment.  Here's the brief update:

  • I have 20/20 vision in my right eye
  • I have 20/25 vision in my left eye
  • I have a slight astigmatism in my left eye which is causing a very slight blurring effect.  I can read up close and far away, but combined with the halo effect it makes written words appear to have a shadow.  It is likely (80-90%) that over the next 2 weeks to 2 months the astigmatism will go away as my cornea heals and flattens out.  Even if it doesn't, it's not so bad that my life would be limited or I would need corrective lenses.  
  • The halo effect has decreased, but is still very noticeable at night.  Night driving in the rain is not advised.
  • All pain, discomfort, and burning sensations are gone, and have been since Day 2.
  • My eyes are still dry, but not to the extent that I always remember to put in my required hourly artificial tears.  
  • On those rare occasions when I touch my closed eye, it is still very tender to the touch or to pressure.
  • My eyes at night get tired earlier.  It's the same feeling you have when you've worn contacts too long, but in this case, I can't take out my contacts.
So overall, this LASIK thing has so far proved to be pretty awesome.  My eye doctor doesn't have any concerns, and it is now extremely unlikely that any complications will result from my LASIK.  It is also unlikely that I'll have to wear corrective lenses for nearsightedness.

Feel free to be jealous.


  1. So jealous.

    You're totally ready for the Gauley now!

    You better believe I'm bringing an eye chart next time I see you!

  2. Congrats! Wish I had the guts to do it.

  3. Oh that's good news!
    I'm not jealous, glad that good things happen to people like you.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I have heard so much about LASIK and am going to recommend it to my cousin who has the same issue as you. Thanks for this review.

  5. Thanks for this, I will suggest this to my friend. Hope she will get the result just like you have.

  6. Thanks for this, I will suggest this to my friend. Hope she will get the result just like you have.
