Monday, August 26, 2013

Game Week!

Football game this weekend: CHECK
Game watch party in 110" HD: CHECK
Optional 3D for 6 fans: CHECK
New ND hat to replace tainted hat worn to the National Championship: CHECK

The season is finally upon us! No more worrying about recruiting, 2-deeps and crummy practice reports. On Saturday, the real deal starts up again as Notre Dame faces off against Temple. My optimism, as usual abounds.

A recent post I made identified my 3 keys to the season. I am sticking with these 100%. In addition, I'm not the only one who feels this way:

1) Rees' development as a QB
The Rock Report had an outstanding article evaluating Rees, in particular his sophomore year in which he was THE man after Crist was pulled. The numbers are shocking, and the prospects for Rees to do well in 2013 look good!

2) Normal team development
Not that this is my favorite site, but The Rock Report had another great article on 2013. It makes a ton of sense, even if you take off the blue/gold tinted glasses.

3) Michigan
Think this isn't important? Think again. Michigan has been prepping for this with practice simulations during fall camp. The old days of Lou and Bo going back and forth are back. Again, we win this, and I think we are in a BCS bowl. We lose, and the season could go off the tracks. You know we'll use vanilla formations all day long against Temple. Like Holtz, Kelly will not tip his hand for the next game! So I expect to see a lot of hand offs up the middle, and a lot of player rotation. I'm totally fine with hiding every bit of info possible from Hoke. No practice coverage, fine. Keep our new gamebreakers under wraps, fine. Eeek out a 10 point win against Temple, fine. The only important thing is winning. If these tactics give us a better shot against Michigan, then use 'em!

Should we roll over Temple this week? Yeah. Will I be upset if I don't see amazing offensive fireworks, or if Temple gets a few too many points on the board? NO WAY!!!

I think the media has overlooked what Kelly has built here at ND. In four short years, our talent is strong and deep. Has everyone forgotten we were in the National Championship last year? There really is no reason why we can't get back there. Preseason rankings in the teens are really a joke.

This team can truly compete for a National Championship. Of that I have no doubt. We'll be favored in all but maybe Michigan and Stanford. While it's very hard to go 12-0, I think 11-1 is what we're looking at this year if we achieve the keys to the season above. Then, keep your fingers crossed! Naysayers who are talking 5 losses must be insane. This team has too much talent, and now we have experience and a desire to get to the top of the mountain. The 5-loss underachieving days of Weis are long gone. I think we may be in for another run in 2013.