Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Looking Ahead

Well, the BCS Game was a little brutal, but it still was better than going 3-9, right?!  Let's go ahead and put that travesty of a game in the rear-view mirror and focus ahead.  Guess what folks, BK is coming back next year, and the team is going to be even better!  Will we go undefeated again?  Who know, but we certainly will have the talent to do so.  We also have incredible depth across almost all positions.  This isn't something we've had in years, and makes watching games so much more enjoyable.  Starting RB gets hurt, but in our 5-star back-up.

Go ahead and get excited about next year by reading one of the many articles that talk about how great next year could be.  I'll start you off:

Back to Business in 2013

And I haven't even brought up the Reds yet!  They are going to be the team to beat in the NL in 2013.  Again, who knows if they'll make the World Series or not, but they definitely have the talent to make a strong run.

Let's exorcise the demons of 2012 and get ready for an even better 2013!


  1. Also, do we need to change the web address of our family blog? Adios Copperglow.

  2. The Nationals just signed a big closer in Rafael Soriano. Between the Reds, Giants, and Nats, I think those are three of your four NL playoff teams.
