Tuesday, November 27, 2012

BCS National Championship

The original...                                               and my GLORIOUS reproduction!!!

So here we are. Since the season started, I see no less than 16 blog posts talking Notre Dame football. I reread them, and it really offers great insight into the mind of long-suffering Irish fans.

The official kick off to the Notre Dame season was unfortunately the Rick Reilly hack job. The now irrelevant sportswriter refused to budge all year, even up to USC. Now he will be shining up the helmets. I have to say, this is just a ploy for him to try to get more clicks on a mea culpa article he is planning. He's not truly sorry, and no way he really thinks he was wrong. He doesn't deserve to step foot on campus, and he should not be allowed anywhere near our helmets!

From there, you can see the cautious optimism building, until November 1, when I posted it was time to go all on and asked, "If not now, when?" From that point onward, we worried about BCS rankings, respect, style points and Heismans. Everything has continued to fall into place. Even Skip Bayless, whom I consider the worst "journalist" in America, has jumped on board. His headline article, This Is Your Man, on why Manti should win the Heisman today is actually well thought out and presents the best argument to date for Manti.

After we completed a 12-0 regular season and punched our ticket to Miami, it felt surreal. So many years of futility and heartache, finally turned around. At last, for real, a Return to Glory. After so much hope this season, it was just a sense of relief.

So there is only one place left to go, Miami and the BCS National Championship Game! If we can score tickets, (and I am cautiously optimistic that the 16 alumni in our family and their various contacts will come through) Colin, Ian and I will be there representing the Royal Heffernans as Notre Dame seeks to ascend to the throne of college football. You can be assured that the trip and game will be thoroughly documented on this site, and perhaps in real time using Twitter, Facebook or some other interweb device. (Advice for live blogging an event using an iPhone would be much appreciated).

There's plenty of room at the bottom of those signs for a few more years!!!

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