Wednesday, September 26, 2012


It seems that Notre Dame just can't catch a break. Big win against Michigan, 4-0 for the first time in 10 years, a top 10 ranking. And then this...

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

The well known SI cover jinx has been pulled out to derail yet another Notre Dame season. Here is a recent history of Notre Dame on the cover of SI. You can't make this stuff up!!!


2006 College Preview: Yeah, after a #2 preseason ranking, that season was a bit of a letdown.I have the Sugar Bowl scars to prove it.


Another "Return to Glory" derailed by SI. We managed to extend the 4-0 start to 8-0 before the season (and Ty Willingham) came crashing down.


A great 3-0 start, immediately followed by a loss at Ohio State, a miserable game Ian and I had the misfortune of attending.


10-0, fresh off an upset against #1 FSU. The highlight of  Notre Dame football during my days on campus. We all know what happened next...


But we won the Bowl Game, so maybe the cover jinx is reversed if you go back to back covers!!! Can someone get SI on the phone for next week before we play Miami?


The jinx in fact goes further. In 1990 this cover proceeded a loss to Stanford. we actually had a shot at a title until later losing to Penn State, earning another cover.


The last jinx cover. #1, 11-0, away at Miami. We lose. No repeat championship.


You have to go all the way back to the 1988 season to break the jinx. We had 2 covers that year, and held on to go 12-0 leading to this GEM!


Of note, the last time a Notre Dame player won the Heisman...

Just sayin'!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Here's the good news:
    1. It's only a regional cover and will only be on SI's distributed in the midwest.
    2. It's not as much about Notre Dame as it is Manti Te'o.

    So I think we're good until Stanford...
