Monday, September 10, 2012

Credit Where It's Due

 Dusty bringing his lineup card out to the umpire.

I have been rather critical of Dusty Baker's borderline idiotic lineups all season long. I'm not the only one, as Dusty routinely takes any chance he can get to rip the fans and media for discussing his lineups - as if they were handed to him on stone tablets from a burning bush.

So I will happily apologize today as I see that Dusty has seen the light. No longer are Stubbs (OBP .287) and Cozart (OBP .287) hitting #1 and #2. Phillips is back at #1 doing what needs to be done for this team. Furthermore, it looks like Heisey will spell Stubbs in CF, and that puts his bat into the lineup as a solid #2. It seems all is well now that Votto is back. The lineup looks formidable, and the rotation is still chugging along. Granted, we did drop 2 of 3 to a minor league team over the weekend, but you can't win 'em all.

1 comment:

  1. I give Dusty no credit. BP was always going to go back to lead-off after Votto came back. Also, the play of Stubbs lately forced Baker to sit him for a few games; he has been atrocious. So, this was more a situation that forced Dusty to make a line-up adjustment, not Dusty doing it proactively, which he could have done weeks ago.
