Friday, August 10, 2012


Red Dawn. Every guy born in the 70s and 80s loves it. Every guy in that generation also has a contingency plan in the event that a Russian invasion ever does happen. I think the reason that movie worked so well is that when it came out, it seemed possible. 1984 was the height of the Cold War, and nobody knew what crazy Ron and Gorbachev were going to do. The opening text in the titles of that movie still send chills down my spine. Just awesome:
Soviet Union suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years... 
Labor and food riots in Poland. Soviet troops invade... 
Cuba and Nicaragua reach troop strength goals of 500,000. El Salvador and Honduras fall... 
Greens Party gains control of West German Parliament. Demands withdrawal of nuclear weapons from European soil... 
Mexico plunged into revolution... 
NATO dissolves. 
United States stands alone. 
I knew they were remaking Red Dawn, but after the disastrous film production, I had no hope it would be watchable. First, they chose China as the bad guys. When China got upset, the producers realized that they needed Chinese money, so they changed the bad guys to North Korea - AFTER the film was wrapped. I guess they went in and digitally changed all the uniforms? I'm thinking most Asians can clearly see the difference between someone from Chinese vs. Korean descent. Then, the film got shelved for 3 years.

Now, it's coming out. After watching the trailer above, I admit I am intrigued. I like the "weapon" concept. It has the plausibility factor. I love the visuals. Looks like they moved it to more of an urban setting. I also like that they seem to have taken a lot of key parts from Red Dawn, rather than reinvent everything. If it ain't broke... So, I think I might see this one. I'll wait for a review or two to decide on the theater, but home video for sure.

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