Monday, April 30, 2012

Potpourri Post

It's an off day for the Reds, so I thought I'd steal an idea from a blog I love (Redleg Nation) and do a mixed-bag blog post. There are a number of topics that I had been thinking about posting recently, so I'll knock them out in one post!

Isle of Palms
So we successfully navigated the dreaded vacation house hunt! It's a damn thing there isn't a family version of The Amazing Race. Our family would be THE WORST EVER!!! I guess that's good and bad. We all have an equal voice, and decisions are pretty democratic. Dad tipped me to another website for the house that has a floor plan and a lot more pics. Please leave room decisions until closer to the trip!!!
Mansion on the Beach

Back to .500 on the season. Bruce and Votto seem to be waking up, and our bullpen has been outstanding. Now if we could just get Chapman into the rotation and say adios to Bailey or Leake (awful start), we'd be making progress! The guy has an ERA of 0.00.

So we lost Lynch, but gained a couple of nice commitments. The Blue Gold games didn't tell us anything, excpet that we will have another 4-way QB competition this fall. I am starting to think all these 4-way competitions are really hurting the team. Our eventual #1 and #2 don't get enough reps, and that hurts when you have inexperienced QBs. I wish Kelly would just pick 2 and say they are competing for the spot. Let the rest transfer.

US Men's National Team
Is Klinsmann starting to bring the team around? We have 1-0 wins in each of our three matches this year, including AT Italy! Big match coming up against Brazil in DC, you guys going? You'll get to see the  new National Team kits. I can't say they are my favorite ever, but I do love that Nike is trying to give the USA a national identity with the kits. The women have a similar pattern. I actually just bought the Nike Prematch USA shirt, which is AWESOME! Check this bad boy out...

Soooo... Some of you have probably tried it. All of you have probably realized that you won't get a 6-pack and lose all those extra pounds like on TV or online ads. I have actually done it (for varying amounts of time) intermittently over the last 2 years. I love the workouts, and I feel very fit when I do it, but never got those results. I finally figured it out though. Just like the old adage: Weight loss requires diet AND exercise. It's simple math, calories in and calories out. So I just completed my most recent P90X cycle, and I did it religiously. Every workout, every day - including 2 vacations out of town. I also did a diet shake thing (Body By Vi) that I actually really like. The results are actually pretty amazing. I'm not going to post before and after pics here because I think that's gay and I didn't take them. I will show you my Weight Track graph that I kept track of on my iPhone (Weight, BMI, Body Fat and Waist).
These graphs track the 4 stats I kept. The image actually just puts them all on the graph using the weight as the y-axis just to see the trend. I have now officially gotten back to high school shape. Seriously. The old 33 pants (we all still have that old pair of pants that we dream about wearing one day) are actually baggy enough that I had to punch new holes in my belt to make it tighter. Will it all come back, I don't know. Probably some, but at least I got back into game shape before Piper comes along!


  1. Admit it - your "Potpourri Post" was just an excuse to brag about your size 33 pants!!!

  2. Comments like that WILL NOT get you all my big pants as hand-me-downs Ian.

  3. Congrats Ted. That takes serious hard work and dedication. Pics please.

  4. Love Redleg Nation:

    - Way to find the floorplan pictures Dad! The house looks huge!

    - I hear Chapman is in the bullpen in order to keep his innings down. Later in the year he will be moved to the rotation so he can peak in October!

    - If you have more than 1 qb, you really don't have any qb's. Enough said on that. I think this is a 6-7 win team, it's going to be a rough year with our schedule.

    - Love the jerseys, especially the red one, maybe I'll get Mia a mini one.

    - Good work on the P90X Ted. I won't brag and say that I still have several pairs of size 33 pants from high school that were a little baggy on me then and still are. Oh wait, I think I just did.
