Friday, February 25, 2011

Best (Video Game) Trailer Ever?

From time to time, we discuss movies on this blog, but this may be a first. CNN had an article this week about a new internet phenomenon - Dead Island.

Dead Island is an upcoming video game, in what I think is the funniest genre name of all, "horror survival." Horror survival is just what it sounds like. Some monsters are trying to kill you, and you must survive and solve the mystery. The first game I know of in this genre was Resident Evil. I remember many hours we all wasted in the basement on Copperglow playing Playstation and trying to win that one. Anyway, there are countless sequels, knock-offs, spin-offs and even movies that now fill this niche. Dead Island would just be another in a long list, right?

Wrong. Seeking to avoid being another face in the crowd, the developer, Deep Silver, created a pretty amazing trailer to release online. How amazing, watch for yourself above. It has instantly become an internet sensation. Many are calling it the best game trailer ever released. It is essentially guaranteed to become a blockbuster when it is released. There is even talk of an actual movie - and there isn't even a release date yet on the game!

Is it the best video game trailer ever? I have no idea. Have you ever even seen a video game trailer? I haven't. But I watched it, and agree. It is phenomenal. If actual movie trailers were this good, Hollywood could guarantee a #1 opening weekend. I'll never buy this or any other computer game, but I am definitely rooting for Dead Island to do well. Deep Silver should be rewarded for their awesome preview. Plus, I want some sequels so I can see more awesome trailers like this!
ps: Great, now I have to start planning for another end-of-the-world scenario. I thought I had my bases covered with plans set for foreign invasion (Red Dawn), global pandemic (The Stand), vampire takeover (Salem's Lot), asteroid impact (Deep Impact) and alien invasion (Independence Day). Guess I'll start working on a plan for zombie invasion while on vacation. In fact, I now must have a plan B for each of the above scenarios should they occur while away from home on vacation!!!

(Tell me you don't have plans for the above. You know you do too!!!)


  1. I forgot Ian is on vacation right now with Steph and Zoe. Don't watch this trailer until you get home. And watch out for zombies.

  2. And watch out for Zoe if she turns into a zombie.

  3. I saw this right before we left and I totally thought to myself, "What the fuck do I do if a zombie epidemic breaks out on this cruise ship!?"

    It's unbelievable how emotional this trailer is. I haven't felt like this since I read and saw The Road.

    I'm very much anti-gun, but things like this really make me consider owning one just in case of Ragnarok...
