Monday, February 14, 2011


That's how much of Obama's new $3.7trillion budget is devoted to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Gimme back my money!

In case you're too lazy to click that link, that's almost $17k/household/year.

Stupid old people and poor people. You're ruining it for everyone!

Mom and Dad - you better stay healthy and die suddenly and tragically rescuing a family from the remains of a destroyed sinking battleship so I don't have mixed emotions about paying your healthcare in your twilight years.


  1. I love hearing about how the government is cutting programs and spending by $300 million here and $20 billion there. That's like me dropping $0.75 on a candy bar.

  2. God that hurts. 2/3 of our budget goes toward broken, New Deal era (I know Medicare was LBJ) programs that were intended to pull America out of the Great Depression. I'll bet FDR never realized that these would bankrupt the country and lead to an inevitable financial collapse!
