Friday, December 17, 2010


I think I may have missed the boat entirely on this one.

Grindhouse is a double feature released as two feature length films by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino in 2007. It was designed as an homage to pulp double features of the past. I remember when it came out, and thought, "Oh, another retro exploitation themed movie from Tarantino. Whatever." As a result I never saw it. I am now thinking that may have been a mistake.

Planet Terror has some of my favorite actors, and Death Proof has - Kurt Russell. They were pretty well received by critics, and I'm thinking they would be entertaining. Check out the IMDB plot synopsis for these movies:
  • Planet Terror: After an experimental bio-weapon is released, turning thousands into zombie-like creatures, it's up to a rag-tag group of survivors to stop the infected and those behind its release.
  • Death Proof: Two separate sets of voluptuous women are stalked at different times by a scarred stuntman who uses his "death proof" cars to execute his murderous plans.
Sounds cool right? Especially if done right. However, the movies also premiered with a series of fake trailers. I knew about this, because they made a REAL movie based on one of the fake trailers. Machete premiered in 2010 and also has been hailed an instant classic.
  • Machete: After being betrayed by the organization who hired him, an ex-Federale launches a brutal rampage of revenge against his former boss.
So that's pretty cool. Why is it worthy of a Blog post? Well, last weekend at a movie festival (BNAT 12), a super secret screening was given. NONE of the reviews of the festival divulged the secret title, but it was described as thus: "My favourite film experience of BNAT. The audience was surprised, shocked, horrified and amazed. Lots of giddy shrieks could be heard. I LOVE THIS FILM." Of course I HAD to know what it was! I then used my sneaky sources to learn it was none other than...
  • Hobo with a Shotgun: A homeless vigilante blows away crooked cops, pedophile Santas, and other scumbags with his trusty pump-action shotgun.
That's right, another Grindhouse trailer is now a movie! This time, starring Rutger Hauer as the Hobo! Sure enough, the OTHER fake trailers from Grindhouse are now slowly turning into REAL movies. I suggest you watch the fake trailers, and salivate over the potential. Just look at the cast in these fake trailers! I HAVE to see Nicholas Cage as evil Dr. Fu Manchu! I am feeling a Grindhouse marathon event coming on!
All links post to original fake trailers!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh... even Kurt Russell - Jack Burton himself - couldn't save Deathproof. That was the slowest, most boring and stupid movie ever. That damn girl was stuck on the hood of the car for like 10min and they were CHASING Kurt - just stop the damn car so she can get in! Jesus! I'm dumber for having watched it.

    Oh, and Machete is coming up in my Netflix queue!
