Wednesday, October 27, 2010


After a soul-sucking loss to Navy and the predictable internet backlash against Brian Kelly that followed I'm doing to Notre Dame football what I did to - deleting from my bookmarks and habits all traces.

It's not that I'm planning to no longer follow Notre Dame football - I still plan on suffering through games every Saturday, living or dying by the Irish's performance - it's that in the process of keeping up-to-date throughout the week you inevitably get bombarded by the internet trolls and their retarded opinion pieces. I'd initially visit a handful of sites to get the information and scoop I couldn't find elsewhere. But after awhile (usually once the site gets a certain number of hits/day or has so many commenters) it inevitably turns to opinions and critiques - as if they could fix all that ails ND football - and the information and scoop goes by the wayside. And that is just too much for me these days.

Brian Kelly has been head coach at Notre Dame for less than a year and people are already calling for his head. The internet has no patience, and I have no patience for these idiots with no patience. I don't care what Ara did his first season. I don't care what Lou did his first season. It's irrelevant. The college football world of today is so radically different from the 60s and 80s that those comparisons hold no water. You know why Notre Dame will never have a "big name" coach again? Because every coach in the country sees all these idiots that are right now calling for Brian Kelly's head on a platter and says to himself, "F*** that noise! I don't need the hassle."

And for godsake, quit talking about the football program not living up to "Notre Dame standards". Since whenever Gerry Faust took over in the early 80s, Notre Dame has challenged for exactly 3 national championships - winning one, getting robbed once, and blowing it thanks to a converted 3rd and 47 at Miami. Every other season has been pretty abysmal. You want to talk about Notre Dame standards? Right now, our standard IS mediocrity.


  1. Pretty much the worst week in the history of ND football!

  2. Arguably, this past week might actually be the worst week in ND football history. 1) Lost to Tulsa 2) Back-to-back losses to non-BCS and non-ranked opponents 3) Death of a member of the program (Declan Smith) with potential coaching ramifications

    I had thought we could pull out an 8-4 season, but after those two losses, we'll be lucky to end of 6-6. Most likely 5-7.
