Tuesday, September 07, 2010

New TV!!!

I have, off and on, been researching TVs for over a year, just waiting for the glorious moment when I would get the go-ahead to pull the trigger. I was deadset on a Panasonic plasma until I heard they had a "feature" that deteriorated black levels over time. So then I moved to Samsung plasmas because they got good reviews on picture quality and feature set and I had seen Colin's firsthand and was quite impressed. Then I saw LG release their new Infinia line of plasmas and thought, "That's my next TV!" Then this weekend, out of the blue, I got the long-awaited go-ahead... and I responded with panic.

All my previous research instantly became null-and-void now that the moment had actually arrived. I went to the local BestBuy and looked at their displays and I became more flustered. I knew, generally, what I wanted and was focusing on 3 or 4 sets, but when I saw them side-by-side with more expensive TVs I suddenly wanted those! I knew that if I had seen any one of them on its own I would've been fine with the picture, but when it's right next to a $4000 set you suddenly start second guessing yourself. I explained the dilemma to Steph and she laughed at me, then accompanied me to said BestBuy the next day. And guess what? She had the same reaction.

I'm looking at the TVs within the budget - mainly 50" plasmas - and suddenly Steph starts drooling over LEDs, which I had not considered because they are more expensive. In typical Steph fashion, she's less concerned with picture quality and more concerned with the actual look of the TV. To her credit, she did recognize that the LED picture was much better - crisper colors and, contrary to what I had come to believe, richer and deeper blacks than plasmas.

We narrowed it down to two TVs, but couldn't pull the trigger because we had to get the kids home to eat lunch. We get back home and I'm doing research on the two TVs - Samsung UN46C6500 and Sony 46NX800 - while eating a sandwich and rocking Michael with my foot and I suddenly see that BestBuy has an exclusive set with Samsung, the UN46C6900, that has higher contrast ratios and a few more bells and whistles than the 6500. Yea gods! Stop throwing all these options at me! I just want to buy a TV!

After lunch I head to BestBuy prepared to make my purchase. I rule out the Sony because it has a funky flat glass screen that, while pretty gorgeous, gave off a lot of reflections - something that could pose serious problems in our den - and focus on the two closely related Samsungs. And... my local BestBuy doesn't have the 6900 on the floor to show me. I can't bring myself to pull the trigger on the 6500 without at least comparing it with the 6900 so I'm off to another BestBuy that has them both in stock.

Of course, I get lost on the way and it takes me twice as long to get there, but I finally arrive and, boy, am I glad I was patient because 6900 is a much better picture. I'm buying the TV and the guys are, of course, trying to get me to buy the extended warranty for an extra $200. The exchange goes something like this...

BB: You should get the extended warranty.
ME: No thanks.
BB: Why? If anything goes wrong you'd be covered.
ME: Thanks. I understand how extended warranties work, but I've got a budget. The wifey wouldn't be happy about a $200 jump in our agreed upon expenses.
BB: But what are you going to do if it breaks?
ME: It still has a 12mo manufacturers warranty, I'll just send it back.
BB: (very serious and very condescending, referring to the shipping charges in such a scenario) Why would you waste your money on that?
ME: First of all, why would I waste my money assuming my TV is going to break. Second, if you're implying that this TV will break then I'll buy another TV elsewhere.
BB: NO! It's a great TV and the manufacturers warranty is fine.

I finally got it home and, with Colin's help, got it setup and, man, is the picture glorious. It's not a 3D TV, but the picture looks 3D. I don't know how to explain it. The picture is so crisp and so smooth, it's just amazing. I am very excited to watch my first ND game on this next Saturday. Hell, I may rewatch the Purdue game this week just to see how it looks.

If anyone out there is looking at new TVs, take a gander at LED technology. It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.


  1. I think Dad's new TV is an LED also. They have hands down the best image quality on the market right now. That old myth about plasmas having better black levels is bunk. Newer LCDs and LEDs have perfect black levels, and are much brighter - great for an upstairs room.

    I am also a HUGE fan of Samsung. If you ask me, put a Samsung next to an equivalent TV of any other model, and I think you'll see why.

    My only question... Why only 46"? I would have gone for the 55" set!

  2. Why only 46" inches? The answer is simple - budget!

  3. Ted? Is that really you? Samsung? I'm sure you meant to write "Sony". It's just a typo, right? Right? I'm scared...
