Saturday, August 21, 2010

Art - Scientifically Proven!

So Molly loves to grab Post-It notes from my desk, scribble on them, and them give them to people as a present. I hate it, because she makes a mess, and I lose all my Post-Its! Usually, they look something like this:
Hey - she's 3 years old! Give her a break! So today, she sprints into the living room and gives me a Post-It:
So I looked at it and immediately said, "It's a beautiful leprechaun, Molly!" I showed it to Ali, and she said it was just a scribble, and probably not a leprechaun. I kind of agreed with her, but look at it - it looks so much like a little man with a hat! So I used the old scientific method to see if it was reproducible. I asked Molly to please draw me another beautiful leprechaun. She ran into my office, and ran back out soon handing me this:
So it's official: the middle picture is Molly's first free hand drawing! Next up, I'll get her to work on the interlocking ND logo!!!


  1. Another prodigy! Love, Mimi

  2. Zoe did the same a few weeks back. Drew a picture of me that looks almost exactly like Molly's leprechaun, sans the jaunty cap. For a second I was actually a little scared, like she knew witchcraft or something...
