Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Internet Advertising Hits All-Time Low

I almost choked when I loaded up CNN.com a few minutes ago. Check it out and be ready to vomit.

Don't worry, no spam or viruses. It's a new low in the endless internet advertising wars. Verizon has a banner on the left side of the page, pushing all content to the right - actually shifting info off the screen on a normal PC 19" monitor!!! I can't believe these A-holes! The page is unreadable! Anyone with a Verizon phone, I hope it spontaneously combusts - of course safely away from you or anything valuable.

Internet ads started out as inconvenient, with a banner. The next big thing were pop-ups, which we quickly learned how to manage/block. Then, the fancy video and animated ads started to take over. The intermediate ad page is always annoying, but at least you can click to skip it. I recently have become annoyed by the "exploding" ads that move the page down, before the ad collapses back to a normal banner. I can't click the right link while it's moving!

However, this new style of ad has become a SITE-KILLER for me. There is no way that I will be scrolling to the right to read CNN anymore. My primary source of news will now be changing if they continue this trend. If other pages start doing this, I see my internet usage time going WAY down. Man this pisses me off!

1 comment:

  1. Try AdBlock and enjoy browsing once again...
