Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One Paragraph Children's Show Reviews: Max & Ruby

A new feature, which you parents with children of a tv-watching age will hopefully enjoy and which I can bang out regularly since I'm limiting myself to a paragraph. First cut, Max & Ruby.

A show that any adult will find enraging, yet children somehow love. The show follows brother and sister rabbit protagonists, Max and Ruby, who, from what I can piece together, are orphans who are somehow independently wealthy, through their daily adventures. They have no parents to speak of, just a grandmother that occasionally pops up, and they live in a pretty awesome house - for two juvenile rabbits, that is. Throw aside the implausible premise for a moment, what really makes this unbearable for me is the fact that Max is obviously semi-retarded. He seems moderately grown up, based on his size relative to Ruby and his motor skills, but his speaking skills and actions frustrate beyond belief. He never learns anything, content to carry on in his mouth-breathing, mongoloid ways. You know how when your kid is in a really bad mood but won't vocalize the issue, instead preferring to scream and cry and throw shoes? That's Max ALL THE F*CKING TIME, sans the screaming, crying and shoe tossing! I want to reach into the television and strangle him at least 20 times every episode.

To summarize: Max & Ruby, two rabbits I would much rather eat than watch. Die.


  1. Quite possibly the worst cartoon of all time. I love how any male characters on the show are limited to one word. Max never utters anything more than "Pirates!" or "Cake!" (b/c, like Ian says, he's obviously mentally retarded"). Other male characters' wit consists of, "Uh huh." and "Yep." Insanely awful show. Horrendous. (My daughter of course loves it.)

  2. Anonymous3:16 PM

    You said mongoloid! Grandma.

    We're not really into tv watching yet at our house, with the exception of some Mickey Mouse program (hey, we're in Orlando), with the mind-numbing theme song "Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog"...over and over again...

