Monday, February 22, 2010

People I Want to Fight: #73

The guy (or, possibly, girl) who invented left lane freeways exits and mergers.

Cruising along in the far left lane of a 4-lane tollroad every night on my commute home I'll inevitably come upon a car going 5 miles below the posted speed limit and be forced to rapidly decelerate. Why? Because coming up in only 5 short miles is the left-hand exit they need to take and, by God, they're not going to wait until the last minute to change lanes.

It's bad enough that people will switch lanes to the left when there is no one in front of them in their current lane for miles just because they don't want to be considered "the slow drivers". Don't freaking camp in the left lane for miles because you're either a) lazy or 2) a timid driver! Left lanes are for passing. Passing, dammit!

So congratulations, Mr. Left-Lane Exit Inventor. Not only have you complicated overpass construction the world over, but you've made driving that much more dangerous. If I ever discover your identity, we will throw down. Usual rules apply - not the face, that's the moneymaker...

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