Thursday, January 21, 2010

Too. Much. Video.

There is a problem with the internet today. Everything needs to be flashier, louder! More video! More Flash! It's getting really annoying.

Last night I was looking at CNET and I saw a story titled 'Best iPhone Apps'. I said to myself, "I have an iPhone. Let's check out their recommendations." But just before clicking the link, I read the actual text of the link - Watch the playlist. "Watch"... the "playlist". Watch... a list. That's right, CNET would prefer (not only prefer, but require, as there's no alternative text version of this story) I watch - at their annoyingly drawn out pace - something that would be infinitely more easy to read. I passed, because I can't stand CNET's smug on-air "talent".

It's the dumbening of America, folks. Why read a list of ten items when you can have someone else read it to you? Next up - bionic arms that will cut your food and feed you, because lifting your own arms two feet to supply yourself lifesaving sustenance is for suckers. Sometimes I hate technology...

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