Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Decision Made

Avatar. It's been talked about in reverential tones for years as James Cameron worked in top secret. The film reportedly cost in the neighborhood of $500m to make, with Cameron having to invent new technologies in order to meet his vision. So far it has made over $1b worldwide in ticket sales.

I remember reading a bunch of the original script on Aint It Cool years ago. I thought it was okay. As the release got closer and trailers started popping up, I was cautiously optimistic, but reserved my judgement. Then I heard about the paper-thin story line and cliched plot and told myself I wasn't going to see it. Then I heard Colin and Dad rave about the 3D over New Year's and almost went to go see it on the spot (Steph called me on this). But now after reading TMQ's take on Avatar I'm out. I've decided to make Avatar my Titanic - the biggest movie in the world, possibly of all-time, that I haven't and never will see.

It was a tough decision - probably helped by a comparison of Avatar to Pocahontas where a synopsis of Disney's Pocahontas was modified to literally only replace character names with those from Avatar and otherwise was spot on - but I think I can hold strong. As the CGI effects continue to get "better", I find myself firmly in the uncanny valley and less comfortable with whatever is putting them in front of me. Part of it is also that it just sounds dumb to me, awesome 3D effects or not.

Awww, who am I kidding - I just want to be the guy that says, "Never seen it" when everyone is going on and on about Avatar. If that isn't sound reasoning, I don't know what is...


  1. You are insane. I don't care what your pseudo-God TMQ guy said. Avatar is awesome. The story is entertaining. Is there an M Night twist? No. You can see where it's heading, but there are some very cool elements. Certainly on par with any other action flick. I actually liked it, and really liked the acting of a couple characters - especially Sigourney Weaver.

    Of course the effects are amazing. I don't know why you don't see it for them alone. Not seing it is like taking a trip to Hawaii and intentionally avoiding the beach. Just crazy. And while you're at it, are you boycotting all future movies that have 3d too? Because they are coming. Avatar had about 5 previews of 3d movies.

    Stop being gay and just see it. IN IMAX 3D!!!!

    By the way, Sigourney Weaver gave her daughter Alien Quadrilogy in Blu-Ray for Christmas. Not available to the public yet, but obviously coming soon. Might be time to jump onboard - if TMQ says it's okay!!!!!!

  2. First, I think a comparison to Pocahontas is incorrect. The appropriate comparison is to Dances With Wolves. As a friend of mine said: "It's 'Dances With Wolves' in space, with marines and aliens instead of Indians and US Cavalry."

    Second, I agree that a few elements of the movie were pretty cool, and Sigourney Weaver and the Marine Colonel were both fantastic.

    Lastly, is Sigourney Weaver's daughter named "Newt"?

  3. This seals it for me. Not. Gonna. See. Avatar. It's like Twilight for dudes, and I'm skipping the bandwagon...
