Monday, January 25, 2010

Davies Back for WC?

Amazingly, Charlie Davies - the USMNT player that was in a horrific car accident in DC last summer that left one dead and Davies will multiple broken bones - may actually be back in time to feature in this summer's World Cup in South Africa. A must read article here. If you don't believe me, here's an excerpt...
Today, Davies looks very much like he did before the accident. The swelling in his face that was so evident during his interview with ESPN last November has subsided, though a shorter haircut reveals the scar he has from ear to ear arcing over the top of his skull. That scar came after doctors peeled his face off down to his chin in order to repair the multiple fractures that left his facial bones a shattered mess.

Can you say holy f&*king s#%t!? If this guy is back and playing at the level he was before his injury, which is to say, better than any other attacking option the US has, it will be nothing short of a miracle. God Speed, Charlie!

1 comment:

  1. With Davies, Onyewu, and Deuce back in the fold we are going to leave Algeria in the dust! Now about England and Slovenia...
