Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Meltdown - Tiger Style

And here's wishing a Happy Holiday season to the Woods family. They'll need all the help they can get. Never before have I seen such a catastrophic chain of events take place so rapidly to a public figure who until Thanksgiving had a PERFECT image. Initially, I figured things would blow over, but it seems to be a snowball rolling down hill at this point. It's unbelievable considering Tiger was one of the most well-known respected people in the entire world.

Check out this sequence of events:
  • The week of Thanksgiving, the National Enquirer runs a tell-all story about Tiger's alleged mistress.
  • 2:30am after Thanksgving, Tiger crashes into a fire hydrant and tree outside of his house. His wife, Elin, allegedly uses a golf club to break the window to free him.
  • Tiger is taken to the hospital and released the next morning.
  • Rumors fly about a link between the affair and Tiger's accident. Scratches to his face seem to be inconsistent with his accident. Could it be a domestic fight?
  • Tiger refuses to speak to the FHP investigating the accident.
  • Alleged mistress denies all claims of an affair and hires Gloria Alred as her attorney.
  • A second woman comes forward with a lot of proof about an affair with Tiger to US Weekly.
  • US Weekly releases a voice mail message from Tiger to the woman "Hi, it's me Tiger...", asking her to remove her name from her phone becaue his wife went through his phone and got his numbers!
  • Original mistress schedules a press conference.
  • Press conference is quietly canceled after a phone conversation between Tiger and/or his lawyer and the woman.
  • FHP issues routine traffic citation and closes the case.
  • Tiger releases a statement apologizing for his "transgressions".
  • Transgressions becomes the #1 Google search query on the internet, confirming that most of America have a third grade reading level.
  • Tiger cancels his appearance at his OWN charity golf tournament. Millions of dollars are probably lost for charity as a result.
  • More women start to come forward claiming affairs, many with pictures.
  • Details about Tiger's late night club visits in Orlando and Vegas emerge.
  • Jesper Parnevik, who introduced Tiger and Elin when she was his nanny, publicly bashes Tiger.
  • Elin purchases a home on a private island in her home country of Sweden.
  • Tiger's attorney quietly starts contacting the representatives of the women claiming affairs. Can you smell a payoff?
  • Elin's mom flies to Orlando from Sweden to be with her daughter.
  • Golf club is reported to be a wedge.
  • Police reports are released to the public. Apparently, Tiger was intoxicated at the scene. His wife produced bottles of Vicodin and Ambien to the authorities.
  • Tiger's hospital records are leaked saying his admit diagnosis was overdose. Reports say he was ventilated.
  • Reports surface that the FHP tried to get blood results from the hospital but were denied.
  • Tiger informs his best friend who is getting married this weekend that he can no longer be his best man - less than a week in advance!
  • A blond woman was taken to the hospital from Tiger's house by ambulance last night.
  • The number of alleged mistresses has reached 10 as of this morning. More to come I'm sure!
  • Hospitalized woman is confirmed as Elin's mother.
Where this stops, I have no idea. However, I think the Golden Bear's records may be safe. This might be enough to derail Tiger permanently. Then again, look at John Daly. That guy is like a cat with 9 lives - and people love him for it! Maybe Tiger will now be the Tour screw-up and get the sympathy fans!

1 comment:

  1. In Daly's defense, he just continuously screwed himself over. He was usually in a bar during his tee times, hanging out with Average Joe. That endeared him to everyone, regardless of how many time he threw away his career. Daly also never had an image as the "Face of Golf", and while good, he was never going to make runs for the Golden Bears records.

    Tiger, on the other hand, is the "Face of Golf". He's going to single-handedly ruin that sport. I don't think there's a comparable athlete that was the "Face" of his sport that could have fallen this far. Not LeBron, not Jeter, and not Brady (pre-2007).
