Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Just a Thought...

As I drove to work this morning on the toll road some idiot who didn't have EZ Pass got in the EZ Pass-only lane at the toll booth, then realized his mistake, then tried to reverse out of the EZ Pass lane, then nearly caused about a dozen accidents and backed up traffic for about 1/2 mile. This led to the following chain of thoughts...
  1. I live in a big city with a diverse, itinerant population.
  2. Although we have an excellent public transportation system, a large percentage of our population still commutes via automobile.
  3. 1 out of every 2 drivers sucks (based on a very scientific poll I conducted on my way to work this morning) - and either talks on the phone, texts on the phone, reads, uses a laptop while driving, or is foreign.
  4. Almost every state has a vehicular 'points' system wherein drivers are alternately rewarded or punished based on their driving record.
  5. Stereotyping is incredibly convenient.
Those thoughts in mind, I propose the follow - a color coding system for license plates and/or registration stickers to indicate your driving aptitude. For convenience and interstate coordination I recommend we base this system on the national threat level color codes as surely poor drivers are the greatest threat to this country.

Think about how helpful this would be! Not only would it make driving easier because you could avoid the majority of the knuckleheads on the road, but I'm betting the stigma of having everyone on the road know you're a s$%t driver would force people to hone their skill. On top of that - you could charge the bad drivers higher registration fees to cover the cost of their color coding and maybe even turn a handsome little profit. Everyone is a winner! Let's make this happen, folks...

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