Monday, July 06, 2009

Done with the Reds

I am officially done with the Reds for 2009. They did well this year; they kept my interest into July. However, after watching them start their annual slide by giving up a very predictable grand slam to Albert Pujols to turn a winnable game against their division rivals the St. Louis Cardinals into a bitter loss I am throwing in the towel.

Oh, and to make my annual exodus as a fan even better, the Reds decided to go ahead and spot the Phillies with a 21 run lead as we speak. Yes, you read that correctly, 21 runs. 3 touchdowns. No, I am not talking about the Cincinnati Bengals, I am talking about the Reds, the baseball team.

Well, at least ND football won't break my heart this year...


  1. Do you want to be a Pirates fan with me? I'm getting sucked into it by my in-laws.

  2. Ha ha! Whenever I lament being a Reds fan I always have to take a deep breath and remind myself it could be worse - I could be a Pirates fan...

  3. Or an Indians fan. Though they had some good years, they are now in an all-out decline eerily similar to what they were like in the era of 1956-1991.
