Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The miracle of BLOEMFONTEIN

Jozy Altidore is the future of American soccer

The US got crushed by Italy, and then humiliated by Brazil, the US managed to sneak into the Confederations Cup semi-finals by beating up on a hurt and tired Egyptian team. With one match remaining, the US needed to beat Egypt by 3 or more goals, and have Italy lose by 3 or more goals to Brazil. That was the only situation where a US semi-final appearance would occur. We made it into the semis because of the #4 tiebreaker (points, head-to-head, goal differential, goals scored). You could have made a lot of money in Vegas betting on the US on Saturday.

Granted, I'm excited that we actually qualified, but it was a miracle we did. Depending on how you look at it, we get another chance to prove the world wrong/right for thinking we are no where near being a top soccer power when the US plays the #1 ranked team in the world: Spain.

I think we're going to get demolished even worse than what happened against Brazil and Italy. I think it's going to hurt, and I think both David Villa and Fernando Torres are going to make our defense look silly. But come tomorrow night at 8:30PM, I'm finding a TV so I can watch the US get waxed.


  1. My favorite quote was from Michael Bradley who said (paraphrasing), "All those people who criticized us after the Italy and Brazil games, let's see what they have to say now." What do I have to say, Michael? I'd say you were able to take advantage of a nervous and depleted Egypt team, and aside from that the only reason you qualified was because of an utter collapse by Italy. In other words, your advancing has nothing to do with your own merits, but it's completely based on the failure (or success if you're Brazil) of others.

    Oh, and the game time is 2:25p ET, 8:30 is the replay. So stay away from the interwebs if you can't watch it live...

  2. Thanks for that timing reminder!
