Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another Classic Heffernan Photo

Random thoughts and questions related to this photo:

1. Kevin had the good sense not to be included. A rare stroke of genius for young Kevin.
2. Bridget and Ted seemingly are putting on their mean faces. Not a good look. Not at all.
3. Ian was captured while talking. Again, not a good look.
4. Colin decided to rock a pink shirt that was 4 sizes too large. He may have also tried to look tough, but failed miserably.
5. Awesome 90's fluorescent t-shirts? Check.
6. Rolling of sleeves on t-shirt? Check. Thanks Bridget.
7. Is Ted wearing white shorts?
8. Does Ted still have said white shorts?


  1. Good lord! Was this like the first photo ever taken at the Copperglow Compound? I don't even remember those hanging lights in the background.

  2. You know what else is weird? Neither Rhett nor Susan Jackson is in this picture. They did come with the house, right?

  3. I just hadn't escaped from under the stairs yet.

  4. rench infidel7:59 AM

    Now this is a great picture.

    I tell you what though, if I could get away with neon yellow Umbros today, I would. Wait, I'm a middle aged father of two...


  5. Rhett and I must have been cropped out of the photo. Yes, I do think we came with the house and I'm not so sure I left. I live less than a mile from there now and can smell meat loaf when your mom makes it!
