Thursday, May 28, 2009

Alien Reboot

We all love to take shots at Hollywood on this blog, and I came across a "hot of the press" article about the next crappy Hollywood remake - Alien!!! Knowing our family's strong love of the Alien franchise, I thought you all might be interested. I will not get into the merits of this remake, because Ridley Scott does appear to be involved. However, I have no hope that any reboot that comes from 20th Century Fox will be even watchable.

What I do want to do is direct you to read an article on the reboot at one of my favorite sites, Ain't It Cool News. The article is brief, but what you really need to read are the Talkbacks below. This website is famous for it's loyal, intelligent readers that post hundreds of Talkbacks debating every article. Sometimes I read a few, and I wondered what the average sci-fi fan thought about this reboot. The results are f$%^ing HILIARIOUS!!!!!! Go to the bottom of the linked page and click on the first post to open up the talkback area and laugh so hard you cry. I did!

Here is a sample to enjoy:
  • We're already remaking Alien and Predator? Ridiculous. Let's remake a film that needs to be remade... how about Star Wars Ep I,II,III?
  • I'd love to see a teen version of alien, I always wondered what "the breakfast alien club" would be like. This could be as good if not better than Jason x!
  • can't we simply stop production of this and move on to a film that really needs to be made? The fans demand Aliens Vs Predator Vs Rocky right flippin' now!
  • Cast Miley Cyrus as Ripley and her dad as Hudson. Zac Effron can be Hicks. The Aliens can be pink with big, adorable eyes and require shooting with friendship guns in order to make them nice again. And we all learn a valuable lesson.....the end. Awwwwww, isn't that a neat idea Hollywood? Golly gosh I'd love to see that marketable.
  • why god why


  1. Retarded... What can a reboot/reload/remake possibly do to improve upon the original? Nothing. It can only pale in comparison. Why not spend the effort on sci-fi movies that need remaking like (I know Ted and Kevin will disagree with this) Dune, which was handed to an inappropriate director (David Lynch), didn't have the effects technology to cover the story, and had a soundtrack by f$%king Toto. Toto!

    Or maybe create something original like, oh - I don't know, Ender's Game!?

  2. I don't disagree about Dune. I always hated that movie. So much that I never had any desire to read the books. I did LOVE the Sci-Fi Channel remake, which I have on DVD. It is about 10 hours long, but way better than the Lynch crap.

    By the way, Ender's Game has been "in development" for over a decade. Apparently, it is no closer to being filmed now than it was 10 years ago. Obviously, it is a complex story that couldn't even be filmed until now due to the extensive special effects that it would require.

    Also, I hear Orson Scott Card is a complete egomaniac and micromanaging the movie development, which explains why it will never get made. It will also have to be filmed with pretty good child actors, and I don't know any that I would want to see in there!

  3. By the way, what do you think about a Zack Snyder helmed Ender's Game? I think his stylized film style would be perfect for the story. He did a pretty good job with Watchmen, despite the fanboy criticisms!

  4. I can't see Snyder doing Ender - all his slow-mo, 360 fight sequences glorify the violence too much. In Ender's game, all the violence and fighting is done reluctantly. Ender's a bad-ass, but he isn't trying to be a bad-ass. You need someone who handles the fighting matter-of-factly. I don't know who that is, but I don't think Snyder's the right fit...

  5. I agree with Ted about Dune being better on Sci-Fi. The old 70's version had cool special effects - for 1975, but other than that it sucked.

    Ender's Game won't get made, and I'm prepared to be highly disappointed if it does. But I could probably go for a Voltron movie. The villians (Prince Lotor) in that show were always pretty scary and ruthless, and the lions would kick ass. Hayley Joel Osment would be a perfect Pidge, and Hayden Christensen could pull off Keith.
