Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vigilante Justice

Teresa sent me an article about "superheroes" taking to the streets in major areas of the country. I was stoked to see that one of the superheroes calls my hometown of Cincinnati his home. "Shadowhare", as he calls himself, is a masked 21-year-old from Milford who was abused as a child and grew up in foster homes. I still can't figure out where he got the name from - did he like bunnies as a kid? Wherever he thought up the name, he now fights crime - with a side-job as a legal expert. Apparently he's done his homework and knows exactly what he can and can't do within the law to criminals. What happened to the heroes like The Comedian and Batman who provided justice despite the law? That's what I want to see!

Strangely enough, I actually think there's a place in society these days for the masked vigilante. If they are willing to work for free, I'll just think of them as a really aggressive neighborhood watch. However, they are not real superheroes, and it's only a matter of time before one of them gets killed. These "superheroes" carry mace and handcuffs, and I'm thinking they have no training in hand-to-hand combat that they didn't pick up from a tae-bo class. Oh, and did I mention they can't dodge bullets? A .38 through the chest will slow any superheroe down do dead.

While I think it's an interesting and potentially useful concept, it's also only a matter of time before a law gets passed banning "masked figures who attempt to intervene to deter the performance of an illegal act." But until then, the Allegiance of Superheroes is going to kick some major a$$! Within the limit of the law, of course.

Now, if only they could fight the Swine Flu...

1 comment:

  1. Video hereWow, I would be shaking in my boots if I were a criminal. And by "shaking in my boots" I mean I would "shove his cape in a jet turbine and laugh".
