Monday, April 13, 2009

Abject Terror

This past Saturday we had the pleasure of attending an Easter party thrown by some friends of ours. There was going to be an Easter Bunny appearance, you know how these things play out - Ted throws a birthday party and you know there will be live elephants, an aircraft that simulates zero-gravity, and possibly cockfighting; friends throw a kid-friendly Easter party and you know there's going to be an Easter Bunny appearance. The question is when will the Easter Bunny appear and how will the kids react. Well let me tell you how Zoe reacted...


I think that's a pretty fair reproduction of her response - just mingle in tears, shaking, and a near fainting spell and you get the picture. That dude walked out of a room in the basement in a giant bunny outfit and Zoe completely fell apart. It's hard to put into words - although I made a noble attempt above - the transformation that occurred. She went from happy-go-lucky with a mouthful of jelly beans to looking like she might actually die from fright in a millisecond.

The guy in the bunny suit quickly took off his mask and gloves to show Zoe he was just a person and she seemed to relax - she gave him a fist bump anyway. Then he went back into the room to put his stuff back on, came back out, and Zoe nearly died again.

After he did his bunny thing the guy de-robed and Zoe wouldn't leave him alone. She kept following him around and staring at him. I honestly think she was trying to make sure that he didn't put the costume back on - a sort of pre-emptive sanity insurance policy.

The lesson learned here - never let Zoe watch Donnie Darko...


  1. Zoe must take after Uncle Colin when it comes to terror issues. Colin had Thriller and the Gorilla at Showbiz Pizza. And ladybugs. He really didn't like ladybugs.

  2. You guys all saw the fear that Santa instilled in our girls this year. Nothing like Zoe and the Easter bunny. However, I have seen that same level of Easter bunny terror in Ava - one time...

    Ava (and Molly now too) LOVES Star Wars. She loves the music, the robots, the movies and even the Clone Wars cartoons. We watch them regularly, as some of you who get my text messages may remember. So she is both fascinated by and afraid of Darth Vader. I thought it would be fun to pretend to be Darth Vader. I have a Vader helmet that I bought for Kevin's bachelor party to make him wear for a while. It even has a microphone and changes your voice to sound like Vader! I also put on black shoes and a graduation robe.

    When I walked out, I have never seen such terror. The exact same description as Zoe would apply here. I felt so bad, I haven't pulled the helmet out since then. However, just like Zoe, Ava is even more fascinated by Darth Vader now!

    I'm guessing that Darth Vader and the Easter Bunny may be making an appearance to Thanksgiving this year! What strange bedfellows!

    By the way, I resent the implications about me throwing a birthday party! If any party planning were up to me with regards to my kids (which it isn't), it would entail Pizza, a movie and a handful of friends over for cake at OUR HOUSE. Ali will tell you how much I DESPISE the kid birthday escalating parties. Did you know it's expected that you now invite everyone in your kids class? What a load of crap!
