Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Trailer Renaissance?

From time to time, we've had a post about a cool new trailer. I have to admit a good trailer still gets me pretty pumped up, but those are few and far between. As it turns out, a couple of upcoming flicks have perhaps the best use of music in a trailer I have ever seen.

First up is Terminator Salvation.I'll admit, I had little hope for this being any good when it was announced. When Christian Bale was signed as John Conner, it immediately shot to the top of my anticipated films! This trailer is AWESOME, and pushes it even higher. How perfect is the NIN song "The Day the Whole World Went Away" for a Terminator movie?

The other trailer is for the big release this weekend. I have to admit, I am not even remotely a comic book guy. I knew next to nothing about Watchmen, and when I heard they were making a movie about the graphic novel/series, I could have cared less. Then I heard Zach Snyder (300) was attached, and I was interested. When I saw this trailer a few months ago, I officially became a fan. How they dug up this Smashing Pumpkins song, I have no idea. It's literally track #71 on their Rarities and B-Sides album. For those keeping track, it's titled "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning." Maybe the most perfect song ever used for a movie trailer, based upon what I know about the Watchmen universe. I don't know how the movie can live up to this trailer!

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