Monday, March 23, 2009

No Wonder We Lost

In case you were unaware (like most of the civilized world) the World Baseball Classic* is currently underway. Baseball proponents like to fancy this the World Cup of baseball - minus the excitement and attention. Anyway, it hasn't really caught on and people can't really seem to figure out why. My guess is it's a combination of trying to compete with the NCAA basketball tournament and the fact that the managers and players are more concerned about using this as a tune-up for the season than actually winning. Considering the latter, it should come as no surprise that the USA - the country that invented baseball - once again bombed out of the tournament. But I think the real travesty here are the USA uniforms. Just look at these monstrosities!

I think you may have spilled some of your spaghetti

Seriously, the country that leads the world in contrived sports merchandise can't come up with a jersey that doesn't look like the players have pitted them out and spilled food down the front? This is an affront to the United States of America. It's like they took the awful jerseys the Men's National Soccer Team wore during the 1994 World Cup (those terrible denim-esque nightmares) and repurposed them 15 years later for a baseball uniform. Really, get a uniform that people are proud to wear and we turn this thing around. What a disgrace...

* - Apparently something needs to exist for 4 years, or two iterations, in order to earn the moniker of "classic"...

1 comment:

  1. Baseball is dying a slow, tortuous death at the hands of one Bud Selig. The only thing that might be able to save it is a salary cap and revenue sharing. But at this point, I don't even know if that would work.
