Thursday, March 19, 2009

Good Bye, Productivity

Ahhh... Can you smell it? NCAA tournament is in the air! What I say now, I say in all seriousness - the first two days of the NCAA tournament may be my favorite two days of the entire year, rivaling even Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's (for the football), and my birthday.

Three things have me even more excited about this year's version than those in the past...
  1. No Notre Dame. I love it when they make it, but they always end up breaking my heart, skewing my picks, and ruining my bracket. Which brings us to...
  2. No money involved. I've stayed away from any brackets involving money this year. I did one with work and one with the family, and I couldn't tell you my final four in either. Which is just the way I like it because I just want to savor the tournament without having a loss of money hanging over my head with every game. You know how it is - you love to see the upsets, but you also don't want to see your bracket get busted. This year, I don't care.
  3. As you can see from the image above, will be streaming every single game live over the internet! It only took 20 years, but the internet is finally starting to make some small contributions to society.
Anyway, I'm sure you'll read the articles about how $4b is lost over the next two days because of the loss of workplace productivity. I prefer to think of it as a prolonged weekend where no money is lost because, basically, everyone is watching the games. Viva March Madness!


  1. My favorite part of this post is the post time: 8:01am.

    That means Ian didn't even wait until games started to start wasting time. It was the first thing he did this morning!!!
