Wednesday, February 18, 2009

That's Some Pretty Big News

Notre Dame football held a press conference last week to announce some coaching changes. Here's the important things that came out...
  • Charlie Weis will be the offensive coordinator in 2009 and may call games from the booth.
  • Jon Tenuta has been named defensive coordinator and will call all defensive plays in 2009.
  • Corwin Brown has been "promoted" to associate head coach.
These three items are, in my opinion, pretty huge deals for Notre Dame football - especially considering how Weis made such a big deal just last year about being a more complete head coach and dropping play-calling duties on offense. Have you ever heard of a head coach even mention voluntarily removing himself from the sideline? Brown being "promoted" by removing his play-calling duties? (Officially he's still co-DC and supposedly will assist in game planning.)

Read into it what you will, but my guess is they liked the formula that proved so successful in Hawaii. Charlie knows he's not a rah-rah guy like Corwin, so Corwin becomes the motivator and mouthpiece on the sideline while Charlie focuses on calling plays. Meanwhile, the hyper-aggressive style that was so successful for Tenuta at Georgia Tech gets implemented without hurting Corwin's feeling.

It's a pretty major shake-up, even more so if Weis does end up calling games from the booth. It also reeks of Weis' desperation in pulling out all the tricks in order to be successful next season and save his job.

1 comment:

  1. I love the changes. I would actually prefer to have Weis in the box too. Obviously, that is his strong suit. If he's calling plays, he needs to be up there. Plus, his knees aren't too great either! Dare we mention his longevity as a coach as a consideration here???

    As for the D. I agree that removing playcalling duties from Brown seems like a demotion. However, he is the perfect guy to run the team on the sideline. Players love him, and he will bring out their best. I see a year or 2 of Brown before he gets a head coaching spot somewhere, likely in a BCS conference.
