Thursday, January 15, 2009

Little Germ Bags

Eek! Germs and binary!

As I once again recover from one of the worst illnesses I've ever had, a common theme over the past two years, I just wanted to give some forewarning to those family members out there expecting new arrivals this year - buy stock in Vicks, because kids are freaking walking germs.

In 32 years of life I have been seriously sick (really sick, not "banana stuck in my heart" sick) only a handful of times, and the vast majority of those events have occurred since Zoe's arrival. God bless her - she's a little angel - but her cute little coughs and attempts to blow her own nose only serve as an indication of the living hell in which I'll be living starting in about 2 days and lasting much longer than it seemed to afflict her.

It's a vicious circle. Zoe comes home with a cough, she gets better, Steph gets sick, she gets better, I get sick, I get better. Lather, rinse, repeat. The only things that change are the order (Steph or me getting sick second, Zoe's always patient zero) and the duration. It's truly awful and the worst part of parenthood almost 1.5 years in. I didn't know it was possible to be this sick.

It's almost certainly due to Zoe being in daycare - that place is like a giant jar of agar. The kids could have ebola and the parents would still drop them off - just no diarrhea! But the flip side is she's "building her immune system" - which means when she goes off to real school in a few years she'll be a rockstar while all those sissies that stayed at home with their parents and were never exposed to anything are puking up blood. Nevermind the fact that I'll probably be dead at that point from some rare case of baby pneumonia that's only fatal to adults. That's life...

So stock up on cold and flu remedies soon-to-be parents. It doesn't matter if you live in climates warm or cold or what preemptive actions you try to take, because one thing is for certain - your child will get sick, and then you will get sick... only much, much worse. And then you will want to shoot yourself in the face to relieve yourself of all the snot and sinus pressure. Parenthood - it's fantastic!


  1. I guess that is my due. I'm loving prenatal vitamins because, among other reasons, I feel like they've kept me illness-free this entire winter season. I have heard about the daycare-sickness relationship from many people, and I am not looking forward to it!

  2. I threw up because of that banana stuck in my heart!

  3. Oh my God. I never felt like posting on this issue, but Ian is 150% correct. I too can recall 2 or 3 times that I was really sick in my life prior to kids, not counting my neonatal period in WV - I had no chance there! And Ali and I are doctors around sick people all the time.

    After Ava, it was all over. The rock that I presumed my constitution to be was shattered. Have you ever heard of an adult ear infection? Yeah, me neither. I had one last year. As I type, my throat is a bit scratchy for the 2nd time this month. Tomorrow will probably be worse.

    There is no fighting it, no avoiding it. When you have kids, you will be sick all the damn time. Hooray kids!

  4. Jacey had seven (7), count 'em, seven (7) ear infections in 2 months after she started daycare in September 2006. Tubes were firmly in her ears by December. I had been truly sick once (appendicitis) B.C. (before children). I have seen the shadow of death at least five (5) times in the last three (3) years, now. And those tales of "building up the immune system" are bullcrap. I stayed home with my mom until I was in Kindergarten and I was the one laughing at the kids coughing up blood!

  5. Nothing new for me - I've always managed to get whatever crap everyone else has! I've got this being sick thing down! Poor Kevin knows that I'm a joy to be around when I'm sick too ;-)
