Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Awesome Radiology Histories

So it's 1am in the morning and I'm pulling an all night shift reading all the ER studies at a major medical center that will remain nameless (you all know where I work)!

You guys know I always get some great stories, but we had a few that were just awesome today. Here's my top 3 - and I still have 6 hours to go!

3) "Pt reports she was in a stressful meeting with her husband and lawyer when she 'the world turned yellow' she felt funny. Next thing she remembers she was lying on floor and could not move left arm."

Her brain MRI showed a HUGE aneurysm that had ruptured causing subarachnoid hemorrhage. Those damn lawyers actually made her blow an aneurysm!

2) "Pt found handcuffed to bed with shotgun injury."

In addition, the husband had shot himself and was next to her, and she was found several hours later by her 8 year old son. Oh yeah, she was shot in the genital area AT CLOSE RANGE - they found the shell inside of her! I guess she was fooling around on him.

And my all-time personal fav...

1) "Pt killed a homeless person yesterday, became nervous when a police officer pulled behind him today so he ran a red light and hit pedestrians, transfered from osh with L2 compression fx."

That is awesomely hilarious. For full effect, say it out loud, "Pt killed a homeless man yesterday." Now have someone else say it out loud and listen. I can't stop laughing! I know, I'm going to hell, but he would have never been caught if he hadn't admitted it! He just saw a cop and freaked out. Even after running the light and hitting a bunch of people, they still wouldn't have known about the homeless dude.

Man, I love my job!

1 comment:

  1. I found out that my client is using Top-level menu security and excluding all the functions but leaving the sub-menus headers. So users still have the sub-menus listed but don't have access to perform the functions in the sub-menus!

    Apparently Ted's job is more interesting than mine. Oh, but I do get to go to Lyon, France in February. So suck it!
