Wednesday, November 05, 2008

We Now Return to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Oh thank god this election is over. I won't even comment on the results because it makes no difference at this point - we have a new President-Elect, deal with it. I'm just happy we can finally return to blogging about things that are truly important
  • Poop and fart jokes
  • Notre Dame football
  • The latest in A/V gadgets
  • My disdain for pants
Now, for your viewing pleasure - a picture of Zoe with crazy hair!


  1. Not so fast mt friend!

    Poop and fart jokes: You have the market cornered.
    Notre Dame football: We stink.
    A/V gadgets: I'm good for a year or so.
    Pants: Shorts rule!

    I think our posts need more creativity!

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Despite your disdain for such, please please wear pants.

  3. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Please note. A "Kilt" is NOT a pair of pants.
