Thursday, November 06, 2008

RIP, Mike

Today comes sad news that Michael Crichton has passed away at age 66. Crichton was always one of my favorite authors and penned such best-sellers as The Andromeda Strain, Jurassic Park, and Disclosure. I think what I liked most about his work was the amount of research he put into his novels. His plots, although far-fetched, always seemed plausible and grounded in actual science - no doubt a result of him being a doctor himself. He couldn't end a book to save his life - too soon? - but it was always a hell of a ride getting there.

I still remember my first introduction to Jurassic Park. Mom told me it was about an amusement park with dinosaurs. I imagined a bunch of robot dinosaurs in a giant dome and thought, "Lame!". Boy was I wrong. So please excuse me whilst I go dig up my 15 year-old, battered, paperback copy and start re-reading it for the 12th time.


  1. I agree, one of the very few authors I make time to read. I do love Jurassic Park, but I will admit my favorite Crichton book is Timeline. Sure, the movie sucked, but that story was UNBELIEVABLE! The second most plausible time travel story I have ever come across. Just an amazing book.

    On a personal note, I have to think in some small way Crichton was responsible for my career today. I think subconsciously, watching his show ER on television pushed me toward taking a job in the ER at Mercy Anderson and set me on my way.

  2. My favorite book of Crichton's was Sphere. For 250 out of 260 pages, the book was awesome. And then they decide to forget. Seriously?! That's the end? Even Jurassic Park's ending was awful. But man, the getting there was always so very good!

  3. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I'm faster than Ted by alot!!!
