Monday, November 17, 2008

It's all coming together...heh, heh, heh!

With the generation of Dad's College Football Rankins for 11-15-08, I am now able to predict with high confidence that Florida will play Southern Cal for the national championship. And it all will hinge on ND. Here's how it will go down.

Florida will SHRED Alabama in the SEC title game. Good-bye Crimson Tide. Hello #1.

Okiehomer will defeat Tejas Teck next week. At that point, each of the Big Three in the Big 12 will have 1 loss. The computers (including mine) will love Tejas but the humans will be loath to choose one over the others. Conference championship? Pish, tosh. Adios Big 12.

Meanwhile at the Colliseum, as alumni across the country feast on leftover turkey and honeybaked ham, SoCal will put a serious beat down on the Aspiring Irish in primetime national TV. And in losing, ND will once again pave the road for Trojan glory (see Palmer, Leinert, Bush). The humans will faun over the well-coiffed Pete Carroll and his fun-bunch, vaulting them to #2.

Florida vs. Southern Cal. QED.


  1. Honestly, I don't even care who plays - although, admittedly, Florida and Southern Cal would be my least favorite choices - so long as it's a good game. A repeat (at least of the action) of the Texas - Texas Tech would make a sweet NC game.

  2. Is is just me or is anyone else NOT looking forward to Utah, Boise, Ball State, or any other non-BCS school playing in a BCS game. I understand you can't help what conference you are in but still.... The MWC or the WAC in no way compares to playing in the SEC or Big XII, or even a weak Big Ten (11). Whatever, I personally am looking at a Floriduh - Tejas NC game. Not that I'm happy about it.

  3. I have to disagree, Rhett. The Boise St - Oklahoma game a few years back was, without question, the most exciting, unbelievable bowl game I have ever witnessed. Granted, more often than not the non-BCS league teams get killed, but the thing I like is that these teams are playing with nothing to lose. They aren't afraid to, say, run a Statue-of-fucking-Liberty play to win a game. That, I have to respect...

  4. Hmmm, that WAS a good game with all the opened-up offense. Maybe I'm wrong. I guess the important thing is to keep these teams out of the NC game, not the other bowls. I guess the Hawai'i thrashing last year is still in my mind. I adamantly opposed them being in a BCS game precisely because of what happened against Georgia. It looked like McNick playing CNE...."they are a beautiful crescendo of speed and balance."
