Monday, October 20, 2008

This is Why I Hate Celebrities (and Mainstream Media)

US Weekly has published a story about how Jenny McCarthy (yes, this Jenny McCarthy) has miraculously cured her 6 year old son of autism through use of a no-wheat, dairy-free diet. Keep in mind that McCarthy believes her son developed autism after receiving an MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella for those of you without kids) vaccine and has since railed against vaccinating children against potentially deadly, debilitating diseases.

McCarthy is kinda hot and has a tendency to pose naked, so obviously she's a scientist and her quack-pot theories should be published by major media outlets and taken as gospel.

I actually had a friend call me recently to ask whether I thought he should have his child vaccinated for the flu this winter because of nonsense like this. He was actually starting to listen to all this BS about vaccines causing autism. Since I'm not a doctor, I told him to do whatever his pediatrician recommended.

If a celebrity said they thought wearing pants gave their kid measles, all of Hollywood would be running around commando-style within 24hrs and half of America would follow suit within a week. I would fear for society if I didn't know they'll all be dead, except those of us that got vaccines, when a measles epidemic rocks the world.


  1. I don't know how often Ali reads this blog, so I'll speak up for her. To everyone reading this blog...


    The original theory was based upon anecdotal evidence that symptoms began soon after a child's MMR shot. That led to a European study (seriously, since when do we trust Europe on anything?) that made a link between MMR vaccines and some inflammation in the intestines. From that, they made a GIANT theoretical leap to link the MMR to autism.

    Study after study has tried to prove such a link, but they have all failed. Furthermore, just this year, scientists recreated the original study (which was really the only evidence of any link whatsoever) using the same scientist who worked on it. The results disproved the original findings. Thus, multiple medical societies have strongly refuted the link between vaccines and autism.

    Now for Ali and my pet peaves...

    1) Parents who decide not to immunize because of fear of autism.
    Measles, mumps and rubella are now on the rise, and they can actually kill a child.

    2) Autism incidence.
    Yes, it is increasing, but not because of some epidemic outbreak! Doctors are much better in diagnosing the disease with standard guidelines these days. Furthermore, what is now called autism was previously a spectrum of mild learning disabilities. To read the news, you'd think every other kid born gets autism!

    3) Celebrities!!!
    These morons drive me nuts. Jenny McCarthey is the worst. She has probably set back autism 10 years due to her idiotic claims on multiple shows. Who keeps putting this fool on TV? As an aside, did her kid ever have a chance of being normal being raised by a mom who was a playmate, than a professional ditz, and dates Jim Carrey? By the way, Charlie Weis says the exact same thing about his daughter Hannah. I think Weis needs to stick to football and leave medicine alone. His failed malpractice suit supports that!

  2. What Ted said. Fuck yeah!

  3. You know what does cause Autism? Those lousy Democrats!
