Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lou's Still Got It

So last night I'm watching College Gameday Mid-Evening Intermediate, or whatever it's called these days, and I happen to catch one of Lou's pep talks for some random team I don't care about. Well, it seems that ESPN is giving Lou a little more slack in how much he's allowed to ramble, so he started to give some sort of pep talk aimed at said team. Well you know what, Lou is awesome. He got that crazy look in his eyes and started screaming something about something, I don't quite remember what it was because I think I may have blacked out for a minute, but let me tell you when he finished I was fired up. I head-butted Liz and punched a hole in the wall. Well maybe I didn't do those things but I felt like I could have lifted the old Mazda 626 and flipped it over. I don't know how good of a coach Lou Holtz was, but I now know how he got his teams to win all those games. Excuse me while I go tackle a stranger walking down the street. Go Lou.

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