Monday, August 04, 2008

Achtung Baby

While on vacation this past week we stopped by the house of some family friends that were coincidentally vacationing in the same town at the same time. They hadn't really met Zoe, so they got her a gift of velcro fruit blocks that came with - wait for it - a giant wooden knife. Zoe thinks anything with a rounded handle is a brush so in between violent, frenetic, Chucky-esque stabbing motions she would gently try to comb her hair with the blade. She's the cutest.

The episode got me to thinking how she has this innate sense for finding the most dangerous thing in the room and wanting to play with it. Some examples...
  • The plastic grocery bags we use to do poop patrol for Bear.
  • Banging her wooden blocks against the glass front of our media stand.
  • Finding ways to make her baby-designed toys extremely unsafe, e.g. getting her arm stuck in one of those drop-the-square-shaped-block-in-the-right-hole toys.
We're not negligent parents, the house has been "baby proofed". It's just that I'm just now coming to realize that for a house to be truly baby proof it needs to be a single, padded room devoid of any objects. If it contained just an oversized stuffed animal Zoe would gut it and try to eat the stuffing. A ball? She'd sit on it, roll off and bonk her melon. A pair of pants? She'd put both legs through one opening, try to walk and fall. The list goes on and on.

If we have another child, I'm quite seriously entertaining the idea of making his/her middle name "Danger". Not only is it awesome, it's also apropos...

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget about the yard! Ava reminds me every day that "we don't run down the driveway" after she faceplanted while helping me get the mail a couple weeks ago!

    And just wait, you have about a month until Zoe starts being able to climb onto chairs, sofas and beds. Then it's all over. Something about standing precariously near the edge of anything. I think Niagra Falls is out as a possible family vacation.
