Wednesday, August 27, 2008

100 Things To Do Before You... WHOOPS!!!

I apologize in advance for this tasteless post, but it was just too damn interesting not to mention. Dave Freeman, author of the famous (and often copied) book pictured at left died last week. He was 47 years old.

Dave had an unfortunate accident at his home in California, falling and sustaining a head injury. His untimely demise and the title of his most famous book leads to the most obvious question in the history of this blog...

Did Dave do all 100 things on his list?

Alas, the answer is no. He had visited about half the places. His co-author had visited many of them as well, but there were a few places neither had made it to yet. Let this be a lesson to all of us - don't tempt fate! I will never make a 100 list, bucket list or any other list of things to do before I die. It almost assures you of an unfortunate accident!

1 comment:

  1. Let's see...

    - Win an MSA city championship? CHECK
    - Eat a 64oz steak? CHECK
    - Make a person (Steph helped)? CHECK
    - Watch the entire 'V' mini-series in one sitting? CHECK

    Ready whenever, God!
