Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Winamp Revisited

So on the strength of being able to sync my iPod shuffle without using iTunes, I downloaded the newest Winamp version 5.5.4 just last night. While downloading I opted for the Winamp Remote feature because it sounded cool. Man was I wrong - it's AWESOME!

I've always like listening to music while I work, but I like listening to my music - not some crappy random playlist on Yahoo! Launch, or even the streaming Sirius or XM. The problem is, all my music is on my home computer, and when I add new music, I have to re-sync my iPod and all that. I've thought about creating a home server to host music, but my laziness always defeated that effort before it really began.

Winamp Remote allows you to stream music from your home computer directly to any PC connected to the Internet. After downloading Winamp 5.5.4, you simply have your home computer on with Remote running, and you can log into it from any PC via a secure account that you create.

So here I sit, listening to my mp3's on my home computer, while I'm 20 miles away from home. Technology is finally starting to meet my needs. Ain't life grand!

1 comment:

  1. I use Hamachi to stream whatever I want from home to work. Google it!
