Thursday, May 08, 2008

Did You Know?

I don't know if people noticed this, what with all the breaking news about gas prices and the Indiana democratic primary, but apparently there was a cyclone over in Burma that has left 60,000 people dead or missing with that figure expected to grow to 100,000 in the coming weeks. Let me repeat that in case you missed it the first time - 100,000 people dead or missing. For comparison, that's the equivalent of the entire population of South Bend, IN dying or disappearing. I watch the news every morning as I'm getting ready for work, pretty much 30 minutes, and this has barely gotten a mention all week. Who the hell is producing these news programs? Gas going up another $0.50/barrel gets a 10 minute story and 100,000 people dead is a footnote? Hillary and Barack splitting another 2-state primary gets 15 minutes of coverage while 20 miles of coastline disappearing in Burma is glossed over?

My point here isn't to sound like a hippie, you all know how much I hate hippies, it's to point out the clear insanity of the media in the United States. It seems their only goal these days is to work Americans into a frenzied state of panic and then walk away. I get it, gas prices are high. It's no longer a lead story unless they suddenly jump to $10/gal or OPEC disbands. It's not news. Hillary and Barack. Yeah, I know, it's neck-and-neck. Just tell me when there's a winner. Until then - NOBODY CARES! The network channels devote hours of air time every day to mindless entertainment "news" shows that do nothing but make their viewers dumber. Meanwhile, they can't find 5 minutes to devote to a natural disaster that has left one hundred thousand people (I spelled it out for emphasis) dead? Again, I don't really care about all the people dying and what-not, I just find it frustrating that if aliens were to land in China and wipe out Beijing that story would take a backseat to some actor flipping the bird to paparazzi outside a Walgreens.


  1. Hey, which actor flipped the bird to the paparazzi outside Walgreens? I didn't hear about that on any of the news sites that I look at. WTF!

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    One of the cities hit by the cyclone was Labutta, Myanmar. Awesome. bridget
