Thursday, February 14, 2008


Boom! I just got done watching this "abomination" (yup, I just did that) on SciFi and what can I say? It was so bad I couldn't pull my eyes away. Picture a cheap Rear Window knock-off, but with Bigfoot instead of Jimmy Stewart and a third grader directing instead of Hitchcock. And the fact that the movie is titled Abominable, hinting at the Abominable Snowman or Yeti, when this is so clearly about Bigfoot is simply icing on the cake. But if the subway poster above isn't enough to convince you to watch this jewel of American cinema, check out the star-studded cast!
  • Matt McCoy - the "serenity now" guy from Seinfeld
  • Paul Gleason - Deputy Dwayne Robinson from Die Hard
  • The Indomitable Lance Henrikson
  • Dee Wallace - the mom from ET
I can't say enough - continuity errors, horrible dialog, implausible scenarios, and overly graphic violence. The monster kinda looks like Wilford Brimley if he was really angry (maybe you took his Quaker Oats or hid his diabetes medication) and covered in hair. And if he ate people! Which he may, I don't really know. It's everything you'd expect from a direct-to-video movie showing on SciFi. So if you happen to stumble across this disaster, for God's sake, watch it! You will not be disappointed.


  1. I seriously tried to watch this about a month ago, or maybe some other truly awful Sci-Fi movie. The Bigfoot/Yeti creature was somewhat frightening (I actually think they designed the costume based on the scary scetch of Harry from 'Harry and the Hendersons'), but, like all Sci-Fi movies, the acting and plot were so bad even I, a self-described sci-fi junky, could not stomach this crap. About the only thing that doesn't suck ass for Sci-Fi Saturday nights, "The Most Dangerous Night on Television", are the commercials hyping the god-awful movies. Whoever directed those should direct the movies!

  2. I'll tell you what's abominable, having to see that image every time I open the blog! It's only been a day and I can't take it! Somebody make a new post soon - prefarably a long one that bumps that poster off the screen.
