Wednesday, November 14, 2007

RIP Ford Taurus

She was a great vehicle, and Thanksgiving won't be the same as Liz and I won't have to hold our breath for 5 hours praying the Taurus doesn't break down on our way to Cincinnati and back home. She was reliable, save for that pesky electrical issue that somehow disabled the clock and rear tail lights. She was only driven by grandma and grandpa Trinkley for a few months, to my recollection, but every time it rained the Taurus smelled just like them. I'll miss that car.


  1. How much did you end up getting for it? Reminds me of when I traded in the Mazda. After they had evaluated the car, the saleman (apparently good friends with King Hussein of Jordan) asked me, "How you drive that car? That car very dangerous!"

  2. I bet the old Taurus will be very happy, as I noticed it was buried in the same graveyard as Ian buried the Notre Dame football program!

  3. Even I have an attachment to the Taurus. Where can I send flowers?
